I liked it! It’s a good, easy read that offers different methods for consideration for drawing nearer to the Lord Jesus, without condemning another’s. It also gently motivates one to think about trying one or more methods that perhaps they were not aware of or that they have been intending to.
At the same time, it helps the reader to recognize that there are differences in approaches to worshipping God and shows there is not necessarily a one-size-fits-all approach as evidenced by some of the methods utilizing principles from others.
A second read is helpful for making sure what’s being said is correctly understood, especially when pressed with other life-issues and/or if there may be the thought that this is just another self-help book.
I plan to pass the book on to my neighbors, who follow the Lord and see what they think.
Steven Weber
So thankful for your input! Thank you Steven.
I initially gave the book to my neighbor who chose not to comment on it and I did not push to find out why.
I then gave the book to a friend who had an interesting response to it. He is a man who has known Jesus for a long time. Although he is already familiar with different ways of worshipping the Lord, he felt it would be beneficial to those looking to experience God who come to this with an open mind - those not set in their ways.
He also felt it important to mention to come to worship for worship's sake (e.g, to glorify God) and not to try to get favor from Him as we already have this through Christ and, in glorifying God, we receive back from this relationship.
Although he could not think of anyone who he would recommend this to, he felt it would be useful both here and abroad.