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Step 1

Sign up with your Details | Get your booklet (in the mail)

Welcome to the Team59 party!

Let's get this EXPERIENCE GOD book project launched!

This site began on my 59th Birthday, February 23, 2021. You can sign up as a member today. Start giving me feedback and get talking about your experience of God in the forum (Top Right in the menu bar).


I'll be mailing out the booklet version soon. With your input, you'll help me get the English book finished and available for sale. The Global Project in the menu bar describes my ideas for other versions. Here is also where you can read about how we can be catalysts to empower emerging writers and Christian leaders in other cultural contexts.


Later this year, we'll invite more friends to a BIG-time Launch Team. And the party will get bigger.


By the time I turn SIXTY next year, we'll have a REAL party with a REAL book launch!


My dream is that we will creative a larger community: People around the world who want to grow closer to God & othersbuild bridges to faith and create more unity in churches around the world. 


Many of you have been part of this journey with me for years. You are friends around the world who have explored this topic in a small group, or retreat, or a conversation. You may have read Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas, or What's Your God Language? by Myra Perrine. Or, perhaps you are a book launch junkie who likes a virtual party and the freebies


What You'll Get from being a part: 


1. Update emails on the project ( I'll ask you for help along the way).


2. A copy of the advance booklet in the mail!

(Not merely a .pdf download for my friends!)


3. Other little freebies along the way.

(You can help me think of what they can be!)


4. Joy from starting a global community with like-minded friends. We all want to grow closer to God and others, build bridges to faith, and create unity in the church.


5. Help for you in how to use this tool to talk about your experience of God with others.



Your part:


1. Join the Launch Team. Start talking in the Forum (link in menu) Become a Member of the site so you can meet the rest of Team59 (Sign up at the top right corner).


2. Read your gift booklet when it arrives.

(It's only 48 pages which includes a lot of beautiful photos! Make sure I have your mailing address.)


3. Post a response and draft a review.

I'll provide some prompts!


4. Pass it On| Have a Chat | Tell us about how that went. 

This is the "build a bridge to faith" piece of the project. It's an enjoyable conversation even for people who aren't yet experiencing God.


5. Buy another copy of the book from me this year (coming under the Shop menu). And then later from Amazon when it's available (early 2022). Leaving your reviews will help get it attention and sales!


6. Promote like crazy and see what happens! 


7. Help me identify others who'll make a version for their cultural context, and publish it. We'll link their website to the Global Project page!

©2021 by EXPERIENCE GOD with Your Unique Spiritual Personality. Created with

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